
The Uptown and it's owner is not responsible for any content of external online shopping sites. All, images, logos, and ads featured on are trademarks and property of their respective owners. All ad images and links are the responsibility of the individual advertisers on this site. We do not verify any product claims or product prices or special offers made by the individual stores.
As the consumer it is your  responsibility to verify all the information about the products and /or services you purchase. Any customer service issues should be reported to the individual store you purchased from. By use of this online shopping site all users agree to hold and it's owner, harmless from any and all legal claims.
Privacy Policy is committed to protecting the privacy of our online visitors. We collect only the first name and E-mail address from online visitors who ask to be on our newsletter mailing list and/or receive periodic email announcements. Anyone who wishes can choose to be removed from our mailing list at any time. Every newsletter will have an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the page. In addition, online visitors who wish to make a purchase through one of stores/advertisers will be giving their personal and/or credit card information directly to that store/advertiser. It is up to the visitors discretion to check out the individual privacy policies for each store they plan to give personal information to. No credit information will be collected from visitors by or its owner. Name and E-mail address information collected for issuing the newsletter will never be sold, traded or given out to any other companies or organizations for any purpose or reason,ever.
Contact Us.
Please feel free to contact us if necessary! Please keep in mind that we are an affiliate organization and have no control over customer service issues such as receiving wrong items, damaged items, cost and shipping issues, etc. (SEE DISCLAIMER BELOW)  Please contact the individual store you are having issues with.
You can contact us by sending an email to: